Since 1993

Think better, perform better, do better

Virtuoso Debate Coaching believes that good debaters are good thinkers and public speakers. Our coaching aims to build all aspects of our debaters. This includes things such as speaking skills, strategy, and topic analysis as well as building more nuanced skills such as style and persuasion. Regardless of whether you are a long time debater or brand new, it’s our goal at Virtuoso Debate Coaching to help you to the next level and to help you be the best debater you can be.

Virtuoso Debate Coaching works with both individuals and groups of any skill level through private online and in person sessions as well as at camps.


Virtuoso debate

Want to learn more about our process?

Want to work with us?

Head over to the Bookings session to book a session or feel free to email us at [email protected] with any questions.